
♪ Your Music 愉耳樂器♪TAMA Superstar classic CL52KRS 咖啡漸層TPB 爵士鼓組

Tama CL52KRS-TPB Superstar Classic Transparent Black Burst

For more than forty years, the Superstar name has stood for groundbreaking design, superior build quality, sterling tone, and clear projection. Superstar Classic once again upholds tradition by raising the bar for discerning drummers—and remarkably—does it at an extremely competitive price. Drawing on Superstar of the past, its classic TAMA T-shape badge and streamlined low-mass single lugs point to the simpler state of art of the 70's, while the ingenious Star-Mount system and new thinner gauge 100% maple shells eclipse anything in its class. Visually ravishing, the Gloss Lacebark Pine exterior ply possesses a complex wood grain pattern to give this kit an extraordinary visual appearance.

Bassdrum 22 x 16 inch
Toms 10 x 7 and 12 x 8 inch
Floor tom 16 x 14 inch
Snare 14 x 6.5 inch

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