







Aguilar TONE HAMMER 500 Head BASS 音箱頭 主機 貝斯音箱 bass amp

Power Output: 500 watts into 4 ohms, 250 watts into 8 ohms

Preamp Section: Solid State

Power Section: Class D

Transformer: Switching mode power supply (SMPS)

EQ Section:
Bass: +/- 17 dB @ 40 Hz
Mid Level: +/- 16 dB
Mid Frequency: 180 Hz – 1 kHz
Treble: +/- 14 dB @ 4 kHz

Drive Control: Fully adjustable, featuring Aguilar’s proprietary AGS (adaptive gain shaping) circuit

Effects Loop: Series operation. Adds 6 dB of additional gain, making it useful for a broad range of effects units.

Inputs: One 1/4″ input jack, compatible with all active and passive basses

Speaker Outputs: Two Neutrik Speakon speaker outputs

Balanced Output: XLR balanced output with pre/post EQ and ground lift switch

Tuner output

Cooling: Two high-quality whisper fans with thermal speed control

Dimensions: 10.75”W X 8.5”D X 2.75”H

Weight: 4 lbs




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